
Malzemeye Genel Bakış

Tipik Örnek Malzemeler

Malzemeye Genel Bakış : Alaşımlar, Alüminyum, Kül, Karbürler,  Dökme demir, Çimento, Seramik, Bakır, ferroalaşımlar,  Cam, Alçıtaşı,  Demir,  Kalker,  Madenler,  Mineraller,  Cevher,  Refrakter metaller,  Kum,  Silikon,  Cüruf,  Toprak, Çelik, coal, Kok,  Kauçuk,  Titanyum,  Tütün,biokütle, Yapı malzemeleri,fuels,  Yağ,  Plastik maddeler,  Kurum,  Atık, ...







Tipik Örnek Malzemeler:  Toprak


Aşağıdaki tablo hangi analizörün hangi uygulama ve malzeme için uygun olduğunu göstermektedir.

Flexible solutions for your applications

Depending on the application in research & development or quality assurance, an elemental analyzer needs to fulfill different configuration requirements. Customers may choose between a full configuration or an individual number of measurement channels and IR cells for each ELTRA analyzer.

The ELEMENTRAC ONH-p 2, for example, can be equipped as single-element analyzer (e. g. only N), as combined analyzer (ON; OH; NH) or as full configuration for ONH analysis.

For C/S analyzers ELTRA provides free-of-charge integration of IR cells with configurations for special applications. These are available, for instance, to reliably determine high sulfur concentrations in high sample weights.

The various analyzers offer different options for optimized usage:

  • Sample loader with up to 130 positions
  • Autocleaner
  • Gas purification ensures reliable measurement in the low ppm range
  • Halogen trap absorbs acid residues resp. F; Cl ; Br; I
  • Gold cuvettes increase robustness against halogens
  • REST API interface allows integration of ELEMENTRAC analyzers into automated processes


Ücretsiz danışmanlık için bizimle iletişime geçin

ELTRA products and services are available via a global network of daughter companies and fully trained distributors. Our staff will be happy to assist with any inquiry you might have.

Contact us for a free consultation and talk to a product specialist to find the most suitable solution for your application needs


Ücretsiz danışmanlık için bizimle iletişime geçin