Sample volumes of 50 mg to 1000 mg are typical for C/S analysis. The sample is weighed in a ceramic crucible and accelerators like tungsten are added. The geometry of the sample (e. g. wire, powder, pin etc.) is not essential for a reliable analysis.
The ceramic crucible is then placed on the pedestal and the analysis is started via the ELEMENTS software. The software controls all subsequent steps like combustion and evaluation.
45-60 seconds after the analysis has started, the measured carbon and sulfur concentrations are available for export as a report or via LIMS.
The ELEMENTRAC CS-i is available as a single-element analyzer for carbon or sulfur only, or in a configuration for simultaneous measurement of both carbon and sulfur. It uses up to 4 IR cells which can be configured according to customer requirements. The longer the cuvette, the more sensitive it is for low concentrations like 10 ppm. Shorter cuvettes also allow measurement in the low ppm range, however with increasing standard deviation of the measured values. For optimum analysis of low and high concentrations, a configuration of two IR cells for one element should be selected. The latest detector technology permits advanced configurations to reliably cover the measuring range from 0.6 ppm to more than 6 % for a sample weight of 1000 mg. Optional gold cuvettes provide higher reliability for elemental analysis of halogenated samples. For reliable analysis of materials with a high sulfur content, the CS-i can be equipped with more robust IR cells to extend the measurement range and improve the reproducibility of the results. It is also possible to equip the CS-i with a halogen trap. Another option is a special configuration for measuring cement.
Heated Dust Trap
Intelligent Lance Management / Oxygen Supply
Control of Induction Power
In addition to the features already integrated in the ELEMENTRAC CS-i further options are available to increase efficiency and extend the application range.
The induction furnace of the ELEMENTRAC CS-i can be equipped with an optional automatic sample loader. The standard module offers 36 crucible positions, the XL model even features 130 positions. It is the largest Autoloader available in the market for this type of application.
Carbon can be determined as total carbon (TC) or in fractions, i. e. total organic carbon (TOC) or total inorganic carbon (TIC). When combined with the CS-i, ELTRA’s TIC module measures the TIC content (e. g. lime) by acidification in products like soil or construction materials.
All ELTRA analyzers seamlessly integrate with the Verder Scientific IoT platform, providing enhanced functionality, seamless connectivity, and additional benefits:
Experience the power of the Verder Scientific IoT platform today and unlock the full potential of your ELTRA analyzers!
The comprehensive Windows-based ELEMENTS software is an essential part of all ELEMENTRAC generation elemental analyzers.
A central window (analysis and results) is the starting point from which all functionalities required for the daily routine are easily accessible. From here it is possible to group and export analyzed samples, or register and analyze new ones. The user may call up various subordinate functionalities like application settings, calibration, diagnosis, or status.
сплавы, алюминий, зола, карбиды, чугун, цемент, керамика, медь, ферросплавы, стекло, гипс, железо, известняк, металлы, минералы, руды, огнеупоры, песок, кремний, шлак, почва, сталь, ...
In the induction furnace of the elemental analyzer the sample is melted in a pure oxygen atmosphere, causing sulfur to react to sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbon to a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The combustion gases pass through a dust filter and moisture absorber for purification. In the next step the sulfur dioxide is detected in infrared cells. In the CS-i infrared cells with different sensitivities (high/low) can be adapted according to the user’s requirements. Oxidation of both, carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide follow the sulfur measurement. The SO3 gas is removed with cellulose wool; the carbon content is detected by infrared cells which can be individually customized. The ELEMENTRAC CS-i elemental analyzer can be equipped with up to 4 independent infrared cells.
Измеряемые элементы | сера, углерод |
Материал проб | неорганические материалы |
Направление ввода пробы в печь | вертикальная |
Подача пробы в печь | керамические тигли |
Область применения | геология / добыча, инженерное дело / электроника, керамика / стекло, строительные материалы, черная металлургия |
Печь | индукционная печь с температурой выше 2000 °C |
Принцип детектирования | метод инфракрасной абсорбции |
Количество ИК кювет | 1 - 4 |
Материал ИК кювет | алюминиевые (опционально золотые) |
Типичное время анализа | 40 секунд (номинально) |
Требуемые реактивы | гидроксид натрия, перхлорат магния, платинизированный силикагель |
Требуемый газ | сжатый воздух (4 bar) кислорода 99,5% чистоты (2 - 4 bar) |
Требование к электропитанию | 230В, 50/60Гц, максимальный ток 15А |
Размеры (Ш x В x Г) | 52 x 84 x 75 см |
Вес | ~ 150 кг |
Требуемое оборудование | ПК, монитор, весы (точность 0.0001г) |
Опции | автозагрузчик на 36 тиглей, галогеновая ловушка, печь для очистки газа-носителя, печь для прокалки тиглей HTF-540, пылесос |
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