
Webinar: Hydrogen analysis in metals

The correct and precise determination of hydrogen in metals is a particular challenge due to the low concentrations. In addition, various analysis methods (carrier gas heat extraction vs. inert gas fusion), as well as various detectors (TCD vs. IR) are available in analytical practice. The comparability of analytical hydrogen results could also be critical due to missing standards (e.g. ASTM) for some applications (e.g. hydrogen determination in steel). The webinar provides an overview of common analysis procedures, application settings and provides advice on how to solve application-related issues.


  • Hydrogen analysis: Inert gas fusion vs. Carrier gas heat extraction
  • IR vs. WLD detection
  • Recommendations for hydrogen analysis in steel, titanium, copper

Apresentado por:

Dr. Andre Klostermeier; Product Manager und Application Specialist, ELTRA GmbH

Data : 11. Setembro 2025
08:00 AM - 09:30 AM CEST
Língua : Inglês

Data :11. Setembro 2025
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CEST
Língua : Alemão

Data : 11. Setembro 2025
03:00 PM - 04:30 PM CEST
Língua : Inglês