For the safe, precise and reliable analysis of carbon (C), sulfur (S) and hydrogen (H) in predominantly organic matrices such as soils, waste, wood, oil, coal and coke, ELTRA offers the elemental analyzers ELEMENTRAC CHS-r with IR detection.
The CHS-r with up to 3 infrared cells is designed for carbon, sulfur and hydrogen measurement over a very wide concentration range. It uses a horizontal resistance furnace with ceramic tube, which operates in a range from 600 °C to 1550 °C.
The CHS-r combustion analyzer meets or exceeds the requirements of all common ASTM, DIN, EN or ISO standards for elemental analysis.
Volumes of 50 mg to 500 mg are typical for analysis of carbon, hydrogen and sulfur. The sample is directly applied to a carrier (ceramic or Inconel boat) and analyzed without addition of accelerators.
The sample is placed in front of the furnace opening and the measurement is started in the software. Subsequently, the shutter opens, and the material can be introduced into the hot furnace. At the same time, the ELEMENTS software continuously records measured values during combustion. Closing the furnace during the measurement is optional and can improve reproducibility.
60 to 240 seconds after the analysis has started, the measured carbon, hydrogen and sulfur concentrations are available for export as a report or via LIMS. Depending on the selected configuration, carbon, sulfur and hydrogen values are available for the individual sample.
The ELEMENTRAC CHS-r analyzer comes with various solutions for reliable, and precise carbon, hydrogen and sulfur analysis.
For reliable analysis of carbon and sulfur, the combustion gases must be freed from water vapor prior to IR detection. The CHS-r elemental analyzer has two drying columns filled with magnesium perchlorate to reliably prevent absorption effects in large sample volumes. In the case of TOC analyses, a chemical tube can also be used as a halogen trap to reliably absorb acid residues and halogens.
The ELEMENTRAC CS-r and CHS-r analyzer series ensures safe and precise elemental analysis even of samples with low carbon content in the resistance furnace. Due to the optimized geometry of the sample port with reduced diameter, as well as an oxygen purge at the sample inlet, the CO2 blank value of the atmosphere during sample introduction is drastically reduced, thus enabling reliable carbon analysis in the low measuring range.
The CHS-r elemental analyzer can be connected in any configuration to an additional furnace without detectors. This principle, known from the ELEMENTRAC CS-d, allows fast fractionated analysis by applying different temperatures and provides safety for high sample throughput.
Depending on the sample, carbon can also be present in the two different fractions TOC (Total Organic Carbon) or TIC (Total Inorganic Carbon). The CHS-r elemental analyzer can be combined with ELTRA's TIC module to determine the TIC content via acidification. This combination enables reliable, direct TIC analysis in soils, building materials and other products in compliance with DIN EN 15936.
All ELTRA analyzers seamlessly integrate with the Verder Scientific IoT platform, providing enhanced functionality, seamless connectivity, and additional benefits:
Experience the power of the Verder Scientific IoT platform today and unlock the full potential of your ELTRA analyzers!
A Windows-alapú nagyteljesítményű ELEMENTS szoftver az összes ELEMENTRAC elemanalizátor fontos tartozéka.
A főablakból (analízis és eredmények) kiindulva könnyen elérhető a napi működtetéshez szükséges összes művelet. Itt csoportosíthatók és exportálhatók a már megmért minták vagy regisztrálhatók és analizálhatók az újak. A felhasználó számos az analizátor alfunkcióját behívhatja, pl. alkalmazási beállítások kijelzését, kalibrálást, diagnosztika vagy állapot kijelzését.
biomassza, építőanyagok, coal / koksz, üzemanyagok, olaj, ores, növényi részek, műanyagok, gumi, soil, korom, tobacco, hulladék, ...
Mért elemek | hidrogén, kén, szén |
Minta típusa | szerves |
Kemence iránya | horizontal (resistance furnace) |
Mintatartó | kerámiacsónakok |
Alkalmazási terület | biológia, gyógyászat / gyógyszergyártás, kémia / műanyagok, környezetvédelem / újrahasznosítás, mezőgazdaság, szén / erőmű, építőanyagok |
Kemence | fűtőszálas (kerámiacső), 1550 °C-ig (1 °C lépésenként) |
Mérési elv | IR-elnyelés |
IR-cellák száma | 1 - 3 |
IR-cella anyaga | arany |
Tipikus mérési idő | 60 - 180 s |
Szükséges vegyszerek | magnézium-perklorát, nátrium-hidroxid |
Szükséges gázok | oxigén 99,5 % (2 - 4 bar / 30 - 60 psi) |
Teljesítményigény | 230 V, 50/60 Hz max. 2000 W fűtésteljesítmény |
Méretek (szél x mag x mély) | 58 x 52 x 75 cm |
Súly | ~ 77 kg |
Szükséges kiegészítő | PC, monitor, mérleg (0.0001g pontosságú) |
Opcionális kiegészítő | TIC modul |
In the elemental analyzer CHS-r the sample is burnt in an oxygen atmosphere at temperatures up to 1,550 °C. The furnace temperature can be freely selected in steps of 1 °C. The combustion gasses (CO2, H2O, SO2) coming from the furnace and first pass through a dust filter and then into the heated H2O infrared cell. After the water vapor is chemically absorbed, the dried CO2 and SO2 gas is detected in the additional infrared cells. Depending on the configuration, it is possible to combine up to three infrared cells with different sensitivities.
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