
Webinario From sample preparation to X-ray fluorescence analysis

This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of the analysis-neutral and reproducible preparation of different solid samples and the subsequent analysis. It is addressed to all users who would like to optimize the sample preparation and analysis in the laboratory qualitatively and quantitatively.

Several online demos of selected devices and time for answering participants' questions round off each webinar block.

RETSCH: The Art of Milling

The online seminar focuses on the importance of sample preparation for subsequent analysis and describes ways of eliminating potential sources of error. You will receive useful tips for choosing the optimum crusher or grinder and the best suited accessories. The importance of correct parameter setting will also be explained.


  • Why is sample homogenization necessary and what needs to be considered for the process?
  • How do different size reduction principles work for different samples?
  • Live demonstration of RETSCH crushers and mills in the application lab, from pre-grinding to pulverization

Grabaciones de seminarios en línea

Idioma: Alemán 

Análisis elemental: un complemento útil para el RFA

El análisis moderno de la combustión comprende principalmente elementos "ligeros" (C, H, N, O y S), que solo pueden determinarse cuantitativamente en cierta medida mediante XRF. El webinario muestra las aplicaciones típicas de analizadores elementales a partir de ejemplos seleccionados.


  • ¿Cómo funciona el análisis elemental?
  • Análisis de combustión frente a RFA
  • Ejemplos de aplicación

Presentado por
Dr. Andreas Theisen, Director de Ventas de ELTRA

Grabaciones de seminarios en línea

Idioma: Alemán 

SPECTRO: XRF measuring principle and standards

This webinar gives a short overview of the functionality and possibilities of XRF analysis and how powder samples and pressed tablets are analysed. With the help of some practical examples, we show problems and possible solutions for better sample preparation and analysis. A large number of german and international standards describe XRF as an analytical method. This presentation is intended to give an overview of some standards and to give hints about their importance for the practical use of the analytical method.


  • What influence do e.g. sample composition, grain size, homogeneity and the matrix have on the analysis result?
  • Which standards exist?
  • Practical tips for the daily laboratory routine

Presented by
Stefan Köller, SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH